
In the modern world, it’s not enough to simply be told what to do — we long to understand why.

What is Biophilic Design?

Biophilic Design is a discipline that studies our relationship with nature and translates that knowledge into design solutions that support our mental and physical wellbeing.

The Basics

Research is teaching us more and more about our relationship with nature. As our body of knowledge grows, experts develop new frameworks to make sense of the data.

The framework below, adapted from the International Living Future Institute, is an excellent introduction to the complexities of Biophilic Design.

The Five Pillars

  1. Repeated and sustained engagement with nature
  2. Focus on human evolutionary adaptations that have led our species toward health and wellbeing
  3. Support for our emotional attachment to spaces and settings
  4. Encouragement of positive interactions between people and nature, emphasizing a sense of responsibility and relationship
  5. Interconnected, mutually reinforcing architectural solutions

The Six Categories

  1. Environmental Features — Natural elements like water, plants, animals, airflow, and natural materials
  2. Natural Shapes and Forms — Visual motifs, patterns, objects, architectural shapes, and textures that mimic or relate to natural sources
  3. Natural Patterns and Processes — Elements that subtly express the complexity of such things as mathematics, time passing, spatial relationships, and information richness
  4. Light and Space — Using a natural atmosphere and patterns of light to highlight architecture and feature certain areas within a space
  5. Place-based Relationships — Tapping into the geographic region, landscape, and local culture to inform design choices
  6. Human-Nature Relationships — Elements that evoke our relationship to our environment with feelings of safety, interest, mystery, reverence, and more


Once we’ve incorporated the optimal combination of biophilic elements — across a range of senses — you will begin to experience physical and cognitive benefits.

Cognitive Benefits
  • Improved cognitive function
  • Increased focus and productivity
  • Deeper and more healthful sleep
  • Deeper states of relaxation
  • Faster mental recovery time
  • Greater access to creativity and inspiration
  • Enhanced mood
Physiological Benefits
  • Regulated and lowered heart rate
  • Faster healing and recovery times
  • Increased ability to handle stress hormones
  • Strengthened immune system

By using Biophilic Design, I will select the most appropriate design solutions that will offer a greater sense of mental and physical harmony to you and your space.


What is Spatial Energetics?

Spatial energetics is a design lens formed from aspects of Ecological Energetics, Feng Shui, and fundamental interior design practice.

The Basics

If Biophilic Design is defined by our evolution in nature, spacial energetics is defined by everything else. It is the deeply personal and unique expression of style, habits, goals, struggles, attachments, and lifestyle that reflect in our spaces in subtle yet definable ways.

Ecological Energetics

Ecological Energetics studies how energy flows within an ecosystem via its organisms and environment—the symbiotic network of interconnected life. The same is true for interior spaces, which reflect the relationships, personalities, and habits of those who reside or visit. This layer of spacial energetics is more felt than seen but is just as important to consider as the evident and tangible elements within a space.

Feng Shui

Similarly, Feng Shui uses design to achieve harmony and flow within interior spaces. Using techniques inspired by Feng Shui, spatial energetics examines furniture placement, decor arrangement, and troublesome architecture to identify stagnant or chaotic areas.

Likewise inspired by Feng Shui practices, the importance of a client's dominant aspirations in life is also defined as a client seeking more health will require different interior solutions from a client seeking more romance.



Spatial energetics is also about style—the “vibe” of a room and how it reflects the client's unique personality. Timeless and thoughtful style will leave a lasting impression and a sense of pride in one's space.

Illumine Terra believes that Biophilic Design and Spatial Energetics are two sides of the same coin, illuminating our conscious and subconscious relationship with the energetic and material environments around us.

The Areas Addressed

  • Furniture placements
  • Room function
  • Clutter and organization
  • Neighborhood dynamics
  • Décor
  • Architectural elements
  • Relationships to possessions
  • Personality and style


  • Better Focus
  • Deeper Concentration
  • Higher Self-Esteem
  • Time-Saving
  • Emotional Liberating
  • Elevated Moods
  • Pride in one’s space

The Psychology of Clutter

Everyone would agree that clutter is energetically draining. According to modern research, our minds remain in multitasking mode when our environment is chaotic, thus creating stress on our nervous system and preventing hormone regulation and rejuvenation. Clutter blindness develops over time, preventing us from noticing clutter's adverse psychological and visual effects on our lives. Unfortunately, even once loved items can become clutter in time. In its worst form, clutter is a physical expression of the overwhelm and disconnect we experience in life and an indication of our lack of energy and motivation caused by these stressors. Nevertheless, addressing clutter will directly alleviate aspects of stress that appear unrelated to it.


Just as the body needs to purge itself from illness at times, so do we need to purge our environments from the accumulation and overabundance of items no longer serving us. The hardest part is motivating, but the payoff is profound.


What is Color Psychology?

Color Psychology is the body of knowledge that studies how human thoughts and behaviors are influenced by color.

Whether or not we are aware of it, we associate colors with moods, emotions, and ideas. But unfortunately, this rich relationship often goes unnoticed, remaining hidden in the subconscious until invited out.

The Basics

Our relationship with color is complex in that it weaves universal patterns with cultural and personal associations. No matter the source of our color preferences, the application of color can have a profound effect on our mood and psyche.

Color and Biophilia are closely connected, as our primal relationship to color was hardwired through the materials and elements of the natural world we evolved in. We have more receptors for blue and green for that reason.

Color and Feng Shui also have an intimate relationship, as color is a bridge between the tangible external and the intangible internal worlds. Color is a tool that, when used mindfully, can create balance and harmony

Through Color Psychology, I will help you discover your personal associations with color so we can use it effectively to enhance the mood and function of your space while elevating its design.